Monday 23 July 2007

Thoughts on Commuting

I’ve been commuting 1.5hrs each way to work for over a year now. That’s 3 hours a day, and 12 hrs a week (I work one day from home). When I lived in Leichhardt and caught the bus to work, it took me half that time each day. So why do I do it? Well, for me it is a combination of a job that I enjoy, and the flexibility I have to work from home. Perhaps I am also unwilling to sever the last tie to my old life living close to the city.

But it is not without cost. Commuting takes a toll - on health, on families and on communities. We see this in our church – people who commute can’t give as much time to joining in and building relationships as those who don’t. They are always on a schedule, tired and in a hurry. There are whole streets on the Central Coast where the lights in every house are out by 9.30pm as people try to get enough sleep before their alarm goes off at 5.30am.

Commuting via train is pot luck. You never know if you’re going to get a window seat, how hot or cold the aircon is going to be, or if someone really annoying is going to sit next to you and invade your limited personal space for the next 90 minutes or so.

It can be enjoyable though – I’ve been able to read lots of good books, and set aside time each day to read the bible and pray. Plus there’s the pleasant feeling of going on a journey, and of settling in for the trip. The view out the window is nice for a large chunk of the trip.


ud said...

There's probably someone who really does like a long commute - Not.

The trouble is you get tight & fidgety after 30mins, which is more that one needs in a train or bus every morning & evening. Your body is saying 'enough is enough, I want to get off & walk'.

Being a long-commuter is a bit like doing jail time - You steel yourself to the daily challenge(s) but you focus on the Release-By date.

Katzmutha said...

I haven't been a commuter for a long time, thank goodness. The last time was when I started work @ Liverpool and was living @ UD's house @ Hornsby Heights. I got up @ 5.30 to get to work by 8.00am. How ridiculous! I got a bit addicted to hot chips on Strathfield station, which helped me to cope with the homeward journey. Quickly decided to find somewhere closer to work to live.

When I was a student @ the Con, I travelled by train into the city by the North Shore line and used to enjoy looking at the station gardens.

I hope I never have to commute again!

ud said...

Hot chips at Strathfield under such circumstances are legal.