Wednesday 18 July 2007

Animal Rescue Show

Did anyone watch the RSPCA Animal Rescue show on channel 7 last night? How funny were those sheep? Adam and I are really keen to watch this show, but we wait in trepidation for the animals to die – you know with this type of show it is inevitable, that some of them will and it is always sad :( Plenty of cute stories too though I’m sure.


ud said...

Those poor sheep! They looked like inflatable woolly mammoths. I guess that must happen if sheep are neglected. Did you hear how much all that wool weighed? I missed it.

Good to see the cute little black cat pull round.

Alison said...

I think the wool was just over 50kgs in total. The sheep looked pretty healthy once they had been shorn.

We felt sorry for the cat, but he came good!

Anonymous said...

I thought the sheep were ugly! The poor things, imagine having that much hair!!!!!!!!!

Alison said...

I know, esp as it meant they couldn't stand up properly! It's a good thing someone spotted them before it was too late.

Nixter said...

I laughed heaps at those sheep - that when they were on their side they just couldnt' get up - too funny. And.... how healthy they were once sheared!

We have a few of those kinds of shows in England, I do like them but hate to see the poor animals that are abused - VERY WRONG! Some people are so cruel - I honestly don't know how they do it...

I guess that's the sinful human race!

Alison said...

I agree, some people are just awful. The sheep did make me laugh, it was funny when they were trying to catch them. They looked quite tough without the wool...pretty chunky and muscly, which I suppose is how they had to be to cope with all that wool!

Katzmutha said...

I wasn't going to watch it, because I was afraid the sheep wouldn't have a happy ending, but I gathered my courage and watched it. I was very relieved. It's great to have shows like this to watch. The cat and dog stories were good too.

On another topic, why do we always have to type in random selections of letters when we write our comments, Al?

Alison said...

It's so I don't get spam messages. It's a bit annoying isn't it - I could turn it off for a bit and see what happens...