Wednesday 18 July 2007

Pet update

I am teaching Ruby to walk in a figure of 8 around my legs. So far she will do it sometimes if I hold a treat in front of her nose. Needs some work!

Saffy is getting bigger all the time, and starting to look more like a grown up dog than a puppy. Still the same silly personality though.

Oscar and Minnie are enjoying being inside during the cold weather and one or the other usually sleeps on our bed at night. One of them is doing sneaky spews that we find at random places around the house – very unimpressive behaviour. It’s amazing how blasé we get about it after a while, finding one is only a small blip on the radar these days.

And Tuff Bunny is very happy that we are home, and likes to say hello to the dogs in the evening.


ud said...

Imagine if you could zap the dogs & make them tiny, like in the Shrink the Kids movie. You would still have the dogs you want but in the palm of your hand.

So where did TB go when you were away ?

Alison said...

Yeah, they could go in my handbag lol.

TB stayed in the laundry (free range) and Nicole checked in on him.