Monday 16 July 2007

Baaaaaack to wooooork

Well it’s back to work today. I had a good break, which was quite busy. We got a few things done around the house, and it was nice to not hear the alarm clock for a few weeks.

Holidays usually give me a chance to reflect on what things are not working well for me, and to decide on what to change to make life easier. I realised that I don’t give my brain enough time out to sort out all my thoughts so I’m going to try writing a journal for a few weeks to see if that helps. I’m also going to attempt to be stricter about my work hours and leave in time to get the early train home, and stick to having the regular day working from home each week.

Stress can become normal if I’m not careful so I’m planning on taking more notice of how I’m feeling, and take steps to unwind if I need to.

1 comment:

Nixter said...

they sounds like great ideas - balance is always good but can be hard to achieve...