Wednesday 11 July 2007

On the road again

We are off to Tingha tomorrow morning, dropping the cats off at the cattery on the way. The dogs are staying in a doggery near Tingha, and the rabbit is staying at home (someone will be dropping in to check on him). Taking a holiday when you have pets is a bit of a logistical challenge.

Tingha is in north western NSW, and is where Adam's grandparents live. It's a very small town where they have "open common", which means the cattle can wander around the town wherever they like. You never know when you're going to meet a big moo-cow in Tingha.

We get back on Sunday, and I will be back at work on Monday. I've been reasonably busy these two weeks, and I'm not sure how I will fit a full time job into the mix as well! I guess I will get used to it again, and not as much stuff will get done around the house. It's a daunting prospect. I have done some relaxing as well whilst on holidays, and most of the busy-ness has been self inflicted so I can't complain.


Unknown said...

Have a great time in Tingha!

It's great to find you have a blog.

I just got onto Facebook too so that people will remember I have my own website.

I'll be in touch soon... hopefully with some more exciting news! :)

Alison said...

Yes, good luck! Looking forward to hearing the news...

Katzmutha said...

Hope you and Adam had a good time in Tingha. One of my Conservatorium friends came from there, so I've known about Tingha since 1974.

Left a brief comment on your Facebook blog item. Noticed that you're finding it hard to keep up with all the blogs and stuff, and I wonder if we give ourselves too much to do these days. I wonder if the personal information stuff is yet another diversion from the necessities of life. I must say I enjoy reading / writing blogs, but can also see that they can be yet another obligation at times. I suppose we have to be aware of what's happening and not get stressed out about it. Must also say that I really enjoy the contact opportunity it gives me, because I don't see you or other family members face-to-face very much and sometimes feel I'm away from everyone.

Alison said...

I think you are right KM, we have to be careful how much we give ourselves to do. But I agree blogging is a great way to keep in touch with people. I feel like I have limited time for actual face to face contact with friends these days, so blogging is a way of socialising or at least just keeping in touch.
My problem is I get a bit addicted to checking blogs for new items, which gets a bit tiring. I need to discipline myself.
I'm impressed you know of Tingha - you're the first person I've met who does!