Sunday 26 October 2008


One of the frustrating things about life at the moment is that there is often quite a gap between what I want to do, and the energy I have. I want to do all sorts of things, but my body wants me to lie on the lounge and rest!

Body always wins, in the end.


Katzmutha said...

Your body is wise, Alison - listen to it.

Aimee said...

Yep, I agree. Especially if you're breastfeeding, your body needs the rest - after all you're producing the energy food for another being!!

How are you coping with motherhood - its a steep learning curve isn't it, and quite exhausting!!

Thanks for your comments on my blog. I was wondering from some of your previous posts if you had been reading Creative Counterpart...and then you mentioned that you had! I've responded on my blog, but let me know if you'd prefer to email you instead (didn't have the address through...)

Alison said...

Hey Aimee :) I'm doing well, exhausted of course! Each day has its challenges but overall I'm loving it.

I'm enjoying reading your blog - I'm happy to discuss things in the comments but if you want to email, facebook is prob the best way to contact me :)

Creative Counterpart is a well-read book of mine, I love it! It always challenges me one way or another.