What I also mean by letting the wheels come off, is to relinquish the desire to SOLVE EVERYTHING. I have a real tendency to try to fix things, whether it's my responsibility or not. Letting the wheels come off means learning to live with things being imperfect, even if it's a bit heartbreaking at the time.
You can only do what you can and sometimes I have to let go of expectations and roll with the punches a bit more.
Something about our culture (or perhaps just me!) means I have a desire to cope all the time. Craig touched on this theme in his post about Joy.
One example of this is that I get very stressed when I don't feel the dogs are getting enough exercise and stimulation. I feel like we have a responsibility to give them a minumum level of daily interaction, and sometimes this is hard to achieve, so then I feel like a bad and irresponsible owner. But I have to accept that sometimes they are just going to have to have a boring life because there's only so much I can manage. I can't solve this one, not in the short term anyway, so I try to accept it - i.e. let those wheels fall off for a while.
I guess the 'wheels' I find hardest to let go of are the ones where I feel they affect someone else. I'm usually quite happy to let go of things that affect only me.
Communicating with your Terrific Toddler, Even When It’s Hard
Those sweet months of snuggling your tiny helpless baby in your arms went
by in a flash, didn’t they? Now you have a spirited little person who is
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