Wednesday 5 March 2008

Have Dog, Will Travel

The other day on central station, I saw a well dressed lady wheeling one of those old fashioned shopping trolleys behind her. In it was a small white dog. It looked like a maltese and was very quiet as she wheeled it along. She got on the same train as me, and I snuck a photo of it – it's not a very good photo, but I thought it was worth sharing with you as it's not something you see every day. Not something I can imagine doing with our dogs – you'd need a fully sized supermarket trolley for them!


Katzmutha said...

Cute, Al, very cute! And I must say you've outdone yourself with ANOTHER POST!

ud said...

I once saw a lady in front of a block of units at West Ryde. She had a cat on a leash and it was rolling around on the concrete forecourt. That was it's outside time I guess. It was probably quite content, just like the white dog....

PS..a supermarket trolley would be straining to contain Saff & Rube.

Alison said...

Cat on a leash? Wow - was it a siamese? I've heard you can walk them like a dog. It would be a brave person who tried it, I reckon.

Katzmutha said...

What's that apostrophe doing in the wrong place UD? Fred would be disappointed.

ud said...

Yes, I think it was Siamese.

Oops - sorry about the apostrophe