This is my standout, favourite cleaning product at the moment.
I'm not usually into using many products like this, they seem like a mega waste of money, but Adam got a sample for free from work, and lately it has come into it's own around here. It's extremely useful for, let me see, some totally random examples: Cleaning up cat spew from your kitchen floor; cat pee from the bathroom floor (and your shoes! Gross!); cat POO from the bath (twice); and the pièce de résistance - toddler poo from the loungeroom floor.
These are all situations where you want to grab something quickly - no mucking around! I've been keeping the chux wipes on standby as it seems most days, there's something that they are perfect for.
Yeah, something ready to go at a time when you really don't want to theorise about how best to clean up that deposit of the moment.
I can just see this line of thought being used on 'Brand Power - Helping You Buy Better'
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