Wednesday 26 August 2009


This is an interesting rant from Pinky McKay. She writes:

I am feeling sad at seeing so many littlies propped in front of television (sure, it’s helpful to buy a few minutes to get dinner, feed the baby or have a shower but in my humble opinion it is downright neglectful to disengage from a child as he stares mindlessly at a screen for many hours of the day ).

I certainly use the TV with Hamish, but try to make sure it's not on if it doesn't need to be. Otherwise it just becomes background noise - and really, there's only so much in a day that I need to get done while Hamish is safely occupied watching the screen.

We tend to have more enjoyable days when I get on with what I need to do, and let him potter along with me from room to room. It takes patience and slows things down sometimes, but it's more fun than trying to race around, hoping his show will last long enough for me to get through my list.

Watching TV can be funny though - today he danced very enthusiastically to the Home Icecream jingle! Catchy tune that it is...

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