I've got a whole little ecosystem happening in my laundry.
First, there's the rabbit. We've had him for a couple of years and he freeranges in the laundry. He eats pellets and seeds.
Lately, to my utter disgust, pantry moths have moved into the laundry, feeding on the pellet mix. I can't stand them, mainly because they breed prolifically and are quite hard to get rid of. And they get into all the food and ruin it. I've resorted to squashing every one I see - generally I don't kill bugs around the house, and I find myself wincing and saying "sorry" every time I get one, but it has to be done. It feels like groundhog day - I squash probably 10 - 20 a day, and there's just as many (if not more!) back the next time I go in there!
We've also got a moth trap in there which is a bit macabre - the moths get stuck to it and die a slow death. If you look at it, they appear dead, but if you pick it up they all start moving and you realise they are actually alive and can't escape! I feel sorry for them - so I squash them. Hmmm.
And lastly, frogs have moved in!! No idea how they actually make it into the room, but we suspect they come up the drainpipe. We found two in there over the weekend - probably trying to get out of the heat, and perhaps they eat the moths (I hope so anyway!). We put them outside when we found them, but now they know there's this moth feast waiting for them, they may be back!
I can't kill bugs. I feel way too mean. I've killed about one cockroach in the last 5 or 6 years. I used to be fine at it but something changed and now I just can't do it.
I can however asked Julian to do it and he does without any questions.
I can spray them but I don't like this much either.
Maybe the rabbit needs an outside feeding time in his cage twice a day so no food is kept in the laundry...?
I've started chucking his food out more often so it doesn't just sit there...I was considering removing it completely and just feeding him when he comes out to the loungeroom but I don't know if it would work because we don't get him out at the same time each day.
Maybe he could learn to kill the bugs himself?
You have both inherited the Frankian Zen gene that makes killing insects repugnant. I have it too.There's not much you can do about it, except gently take insects outside, and say "There you go, Charley!"
It's called 'The Sanctity of Life' and I adhere to it. It covers trees, slugs, ants, weeds, etc
Sometimes however you must kill away.
I like the idea of letting the frogs attend to the moths.
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