Monday 4 February 2008

20 weeks = half way

"Your baby measures around 23 cm in length from head to toe (9 inches) and weighs approximately 420 grams (or 14.8 ounces).

Week 20 is seen as the half-way point of the pregnancy and the time when your baby is legally regarded as a person if born (issued with a birth certificate in Australia). However, babies born between 20 and 24 weeks are medically regarded as being extremely premature and unlikely to survive. With access to modern medical technology, a premature baby's chances of survival are greatly enhanced if born after 28 weeks.

Your baby's nails are now formed and their fingerprints are visibly engraved in their fine skin. Their permanent teeth now appear behind their baby teeth deep within their gums."



Anonymous said...

I can't imagine that someone so little would have finger prints already.

Mary said...

Or adult teeth

Mary said...

Or adult teeth

Alison said...

It's amazing isn't it...