Thursday 28 August 2008

Brain Dead

I've finally got a bit of time to myself this afternoon and I have posts I want to write, but I am brain dead! Adam has been sick this week which means I've had less time to myself (as he can't take Hamish in case he passes on his cold to him) and I feel a bit zapped.

Plus my weeks seem really busy with out of the house stuff at the moment - I've got a wall planner up now to plan my week on so I can try to schedule in a couple of days at home each week.

This has been my day so far:
3.30am wake up and feed Hamish
5.30am ditto
7am ditto and nappy change, quick pray and bible read
9am another feed and officially 'get up' for the day. Change nappy again and get dressed in front of heater (it's freezing!)
9.45am go to cafe and collect bacon and egg rolls for breakfast, and BIG coffee
10.15am another feed for Hamish, followed by another nappy change (I think...can't really remember!)
10.45am put clothes I washed last night on the line, put load of nappies in washing machine, get ready to go to mothers group
11am catch bus to mothers group. Stay there for just over an hour, which includes another feed and nappy change.
12.15pm go to Coles and do weekly shop. Also go to chemist to get cold and flu stuff for Adam.
1pm Adam collects me and we come home. Unpack shopping.
1.30pm feed Hamish and do his nappy
2pm cook chicken soup for lunch. Give dogs a bone.
2.30pm eat soup standing up while holding a screaming baby
2.45pm feed Hamish who finally falls asleep
3.15pm put on another load of washing and put clean nappies in drier.

I don't know if that gives an accurate impression of the day - basically I haven't stopped and a lot of the time while getting stuff done I'm carrying around 5.3kgs of baby at the same time which gets a bit tiring.

I haven't walked the dogs, brought the bins back in or cleaned up after lunch - but on the plus side, I have managed to eat lunch, get myself dressed and out of the house, and here I am blogging so I guess I'm managing ok! Phew.

I don't have anything on tomorrow so hopefully it will be a bit less hectic.


Mary said...

Crikey, I hope you get a rest today!!! Btw my offer of coming up when Adam is at work on weekends still stands entirely - we can do the shopping and help get things done round the house :)

Alison said...

Thanks Mary - today has been better, mainly because I haven't done anything! Last Friday was the same, I gave myself the day off. I'm planning a quieter week next week.

I might take you up on your offer next time Adam gets sick!

ud said...

Just keep slogging it out.

It all gets better when you become a Granma apparently.

(PS - don't forget I'm available to do things too - just holler)