Trust a cat to find an inappropriate place to sit. We usually put these placemats away once we've used them, but we forgot this time and it wasn't long before they were taken over by Oscar and Minnie!
One God : One family : One menagerie : One me trying to make sense of it all!
That photo is hysterical - I love it.
Hmmmm Chardonnay or Merlot to go with the main?!?!?!?! decisions decisions
Yeah, it made us laugh at the time! They always give you a look that says "what's so funny?" lol
Now that is classic cat photography.
Cats need placemats of one sort or another - just something to indicate where they should go. It gives them purpose.
Oscar went to sleep in a shoebox last night, he was very pleased with himself.
Shoe boxes and biscuit tins are so comfortable - of course!
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