Bub is due to arrive in late March, so I've got around 5 months to get ready...and to enjoy full nights sleeps!

Hamish will be 21 months old when his brother is born, and I'm basically expecting life to be quite tough for the first six months or so, if not longer - but having been through the newborn stage with Hamish I know that the hard work does pay off in the end - and that spending that time building a relationship with your child is so precious.
I didn't know! Congratulations!! Boys are great. :-)
(and second boys are very very special)
I didn't know either!!
And I ditto Ruth's comments about boys and second boys!
Thanks guys - I think you two (and Aimee) and the only people who read my blog who I don't see outside of blogland these days! I think I'm related to almost everyone else who reads it lol
Definitely looking forward to two boys, I'm sure it will be a bit mental but lots of fun too.
It will be more than a BIT mental, Alison! But you will cope...
Big Brother and Bigger Brother !
Your arm muscles will be kept well toned.
lol KM, yeah it's already a bit mental so it can only get worse! I know it will get easier with time though - thank God!
yay for another boy - I didn't know that bit. Very exciting!!!
We must catch up soon ;)
Yay! Brothers, how lovely!! Congratulations and sorry I'm a bit late on commenting :)
There's a part of me that knows having two children is going to be harder logistically than just having one, but another part that hopes (and prays) that emotionally it will be a little easier, because at least I know from experience how much better and easier it all gets and how fleeting those newborn months seem once you've passed them!
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