We have SO many spiders around our place. Most of them are pretty harmless, but we do have to keep an eye out for the webs so we don't wander right into them.
Communicating with your Terrific Toddler, Even When It’s Hard
Those sweet months of snuggling your tiny helpless baby in your arms went
by in a flash, didn’t they? Now you have a spirited little person who is
I have lots of spiders too, Al. Sometimes I take them over the road and let them find a new home over there. I hate seeing bees caught in webs, and will try to rescue them if I can. I bought some wooden skewers years ago, but have never used them for cooking, so I use one or 2 of these to extract bees, and sometimes other insects, from a web if I can. I know it's intefering with nature, but I can't just stand there and let a poor little bee die. Recently, I extracted a bee but it wouldn't fly away, but kept trying to remove a bit of web that was still on it. I needed 2 skewers for this job, and eventually the bee started buzzing and flew happily away.
The bees have probably put up a shrine to you in Beeworld.
Spiders have never been so in your face. It's nature up close. A face full of web is just great at night.
It's also a nice bonus early in the morning on your way to work when you more or less still have your eyes shut
Sometimes my eyes don't open until around 11am.
11am !! You are an inspiration. Like Harold the Informed Sheep.
Who is this Harold?
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