Saturday 2 January 2010

Happy new year

Hope you had an enjoyable time over the festive season!

I had an unplanned break from blogging in December, mainly due to tiredness. It was a bit of a difficult month all up - just usual pregnancy weariness combined with a (wonderful) husband working long hours, and a toddler who is always on the go! And I developed low blood pressure which means I have to spend more time than I'd like lying down and resting.

I do find in times when it all is a bit too much the struggle I have is to rely on God's strength, not my own. I have to watch my thoughts or I get down in the dumps, thinking I must be doing a bad job because I can't manage everything as well as I would like. I have this picture in my head of someone living my life, but doing it perfectly, and I just don't measure up!

It is one of the challenges of childrearing to find things to do when you're not really well, the weather sucks, you don't have much money, and you and your kid/s are bored bored bored! Finding that balance between getting near enough rest, while not developing cabin fever, is the tricky bit.

It's something I'm working on, and praying about. I want to find the joy in everyday life, because it is there for the taking. Just have to wade past the crud in the way.


ud said...

Welcome back !

Don't let yourself get bogged in the mud (or Snow, as the roving C.Macs would say)

Mary said...

I think only YOU can live YOUR life perfectly Al.

Mary said...

Otherwise none of us have much hope haha!!

Katzmutha said...

I think it's asking too much to find joy in every single day,Al. You're not a bad person because you can't find the joy.

ud said...

Being upbeat is the norm.

Being down happens, even to Kevin Rudd .... but just ride it out.