A joke email that does the rounds every now and again lists guidelines from the 1950's for a wife to follow to welcome her husband home. A selection of the tips can be read
It's basically stuff like make sure you have a meal on the table when hubby gets home; tidy the house before he arrives; make sure you look nice, etc.

While some of the suggestions might be a little over the top, and I don't particularly like the inference in some of them that the husband's day is more important that the wife's, I've been thinking for some time that I agree with the basic principle - make your home a welcoming and relaxing place for your husband to come home to.
As I'm at home the most, I've got a lot of influence over the environment here - even when I've had a rotten day, I can choose to do a quick tidy up before 5pm, or leave the mess so he has to step over toys to get in the door. I can have a plan for dinner (however vague or basic) or I can leave it up to him to feed himself. Whichever choice I make has an impact, for good or bad, on his day and our home life.
I don't think there's anything wrong with a wife treating her husband as an important person at the end of the working day - in fact, I think it's a very good thing. I want Adam to look forward to coming home each evening. It's a highlight of my day - and it should be a highlight of his too!