Friday 30 November 2007

More on the Frogs

The frogs kept up their racket for quite a while. In fact we could still hear them when we were trying to go to sleep, so Adam got up to go and find them and get them to be quiet(which would probably involve being squashed or thrown over the fence - not good for froggy health!)

Turns out it wasn't two frogs - it was one. A green tree frog with orange eyes and an orange mouth that puffed up to make the noises. Adam said he was small and had his legs wrapped round a tree branch in the back yard. He was too cute to silence so we ended up having to shut the bedroom door and put the ipod on to drown out the noise.

If he does it again tonight, I'll go and have a look at him.


Mary said...

hehehe frogs certainly can be veeery noising, we had one in the septic tank a few years ago that sounded like a tap dripping allll night....and that sounds silly but it definitely was a frog because it used to interject more froggy sounding noises in between drips

Alison said...

This one we have at the moment is seriously the loudest frog I have ever heard. It's amazing the range of noises they can make.