Thursday 29 November 2007

Flea Explosion

I've been noticing Ruby scratching a lot lately so today I gave her and Saffy a tablet each that kills any fleas on them, just to give her a break from having to scratch all day (and planning on giving them some proper flea stuff soon).

Unfortunately for poor old Saff, she had heaps of fleas on her too who spent the whole morning squirming all over her trying to get away from the effects of the tablet! So she was really itchy - and before the tablet she was fine.

I decided it was time to mount a full on flea attach so I washed all their bedding. It really needed it because the water in the machine turned very brown before it had even started the washing bit!

I've booked them in for a dog wash on Saturday and after that we'll give them the flea stuff that goes on their skin, I think it's called Advantix. Hopefully that will work...

1 comment:

Mary said...

I always feel sorry for fluffy things that have to be all itchy for a few months each year, good thing you are keeping on top of it!