Thursday 23 June 2011

Brain dump

I had vague plans to come on here this evening and write a few things, but now I'm here I'm drawing a big fat blank. So here is a random brain dump of the thoughts I've had swirling around my tired mind today:

Old friends are such an encouragement. I've had a good long chat with an old friend this week, and another has started blogging, and there's just something special about reconnecting with people who've known you for a long time. I should make the effort more often to keep in touch.

I need to reassess (again!) what I think is realistic around the house. I think I should be able to manage a house, but really - with two kids, both demanding my attention more often than not, it's hard going sometimes. So my new plan is to relax about the housework, and enjoy spending time with the kids more. Let's face it - I never get all the work done anyway, so I can either be stressed about it, and not get it done, or relaxed and not get it done! Second option sounds better to me.

Social expectations (real or imagined!) have a lot of power. Can be hard to weed them out. Current ones I'm negotiating include how much to spend on birthday presents for my kids, how clean my house should be, and what to aim for with sleep expectations for the kids. I lack confidence sometimes, even though I do usually make the choices that suit me best.

1 comment:

Jen said...

As they say Al, "the days are long but the years are short". H&M might wont remember a messy kitchen but they will recall great times spent at home with Mum and that is what matters most!