Wednesday 3 October 2007


I'm on the train at the moment, wondering if I'll make it home tonight. Apparently the lines are cut at Cowan because of the bushfires. I can't believe we've had a 35 degree day in October - scary stuff. I was going to work from home tomorrow so wherever I end up tonight I'm not too worried as I don't have to go to the office in the morning anyway.

I hope the pets are all ok after such a hot day...might need to give them ice cubes with their tea!


ud said...

Cold weather is just really wrong & should be declared illegal and grossly un-Australian.
As for hot weather - the only worrying thing is bush fires. I better up the donation to the local Fire Fighting Unit !

Alison said...

I think it can get too hot. I don't like hot, humid weather. Perhaps I should have moved to tasmania instead!

Do you fireproof your place UD?