Friday 7 May 2010

Short Update

Reflux seems to be under control. Now fighting battles over sleep.

In general, things have improved but still doing the hard yards that you get with a baby.

Hamish has been sick this week - vomiting bug. Luckily he only spewed once, and then was off his food for a few days.

I feel quite worn out, but each day has good and bad moments. Trying to enjoy the good and get through the bad.

Mike is almost 11 weeks old, so we're nearing the 3 month mark. Hooray!


Katzmutha said...

Enjoy the good & get through the bad - same as me at school, Al! I've just had 2 days off with the flu & it's been wonderful to have a bit of time to myself.

Katzmutha said...

By the way, Al, what happens at the 3 month mark?

Alison said...

Well, the first three months are generally considered to be the hardest work - after that they start to show more personality and to stay awake for longer at a time, so you get more fun to balance out the hard slog. And ideally they start to sleep longer at night, and feed less often, so the work decreases a bit. Not all babies run to this schedule but generally speaking you hope to see some gradual improvement after the first 12 weeks.

Also, it's just a nice milestone to reach!

Hope you're over the flu KM - we're all fighting off colds at the moment - feels like the winter bug season has arrived!

Katzmutha said...

Yep,I'm fighting fit again, back @ work,etc