Saturday, 26 April 2008

Cool quote - not sure who it's from!

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

A truism?

"It's not a lie if it would be true if the facts were different!"

(from the TV show Malcome in the Middle, which I watched earlier today.)

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Some classic cat behaviour

It took Oscar about 10 seconds to get in this bag once he saw it - never one to waste an oppurrtunity.

I was going to put the washing away, but it was seconded for important duties. Note that the reason a lot of the things in the basket had been washed was because they were covered in cat hair. Hmmm. Back to the drawing board on that one!

Doggie dinner, brought to you by Lean Cuisine

I read an article last weekend about how in the wild, dogs have to go to some effort to get their dinner, whereas at home, they get a meal without any effort required. The article suggested that it's more stimulating to your dog to have to make an effort to get their dinner.

So, this week, the dogs have been given their meal not in their usual bowls, but wrapped in newspaper or in a carboard box, like a milk carton. It's been lots of fun watching them work out how to get at the food - Ruby isn't very good at it, whereas Saffy just rips straight in. Here's a photo of her enjoying some Lean Cuisine (flavour: dog food!)

And here's Ruby with her McDonalds meal (the Mcdogfood burger):

Saturday, 19 April 2008


Can I just say, that I think the NSW state labor party is very disappointing at the moment? As far as I can remember, I've mainly voted labor, but they are just hopeless this time around. I honestly think the only reason they got in at the last election was because the liberal party were so lame.

Personality Test

I'm a benevolent visionary, apparently.

I disagree with the test's assessment of my sense of appearances, must have over-rated myself in there somewhere!

Friday, 18 April 2008

Being Still

I have often over the last year wished that there was someone I could hand my life over to for a few days or a week, and leave them to run it for me, while I go and sip cocktails in a resort or something.

So I was interested to hear at bible study last week that the phrase "Be Still" from PS 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God" has the same root word as that from which we get the term "vacation". So, and this is probably drawing a long bow when it comes to translation of the bible, we could take the idea of the verse to be 'take a break and know that I am God'.

It struck me that when I feel like handing over the reins to someone imaginary person so I can have a break, I should be handing it all over to God instead. Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean I get to sip cocktails in a resort, but it does mean I can hand my worries and stressed over to Him, who is infinitely more qualified to deal with life's crises than I am!

It brings to mind Isaiah 53:4: "Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted."

I haven't really tried this approach yet, but I will keep it in mind for the next time I feel like checking out of my life for a while.

Heard on the train

This morning on the train in to work, there were 4 small girls sitting near me. They looked about 5 or 6 years old. Here are some quotes:

Refering to me lying down:"That lady is still asleep!"

With great excitement as we crossed the Hawkesbury River bridge: "We're on the Harbour Bridge!"

When I sat up: "The lady is awake now!"

They spent some time writing in note books, and the word "procedure" was being bandied about. I thought this was quite an advanced word for their ages, which perhaps explains why they were using it at every opportunity!

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Quick Update

Things I have learnt this week:

  • Where my kidneys are. I learnt this because they were sore. If you'd asked me beforehand to locate them, I wouldn't really have been able to tell you.
  • Antibiotics are really useful when things are sore and it's good to see a doctor sometimes, instead of just hoping things will go away on their own (my default position most of the time!)
  • That prayer is more about God doing His work through me, than me doing my work through Him. Must ponder this one further as I think it's important.
  • That I am sometimes more materialistic and envious than I'd like to be. Adam got a fancy new mobile phone this week and I want one too! Sometimes I am a bit like a bower bird - I see something shiny and want it. I am resisting the temptation though, because I'm trying to spend as little money as possible on my mobile.
  • That relaxation exercises can help with nausea on the train (woohoo!)
That's about all I learnt - here's some photos of the week that was:

1. Birthday cake decorated by my lovely husband:

2. Oscar engaged in a spot of purrsonal grooming:

3. My friend Leonie and I, both preggers:

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Good news

Today I had a chat with my manager and asked if I could finish working in the office at the end of April, and then do a few days a week from home during May. He was happy with this, so I've only got about 4 more weeks of travelling into the city! Quite relieved about that. I'm very lucky to have such an accommodating employer - they've been really good and I appreciate it.