Sunday, 28 June 2009

Happy First Birthday Hamish!

Turn your speakers on, if you've got them...

Friday, 26 June 2009

'Important News'

I was given two bits of 'important news' today on my walk to the shops and back.

The first was from the lady serving me at the butchers* - she told me that Michael Jackson had died. It's interesting to see that she considered the news of the death worth passing on to a stranger (although I suppose they are used to making conversation with customers).

The second bit of 'news' came as I was walking home. A lady stopped me in the street and asked if she could tell me something really important. I had a hunch what was coming next: "God really loves you!"

I interrupted her at that point to explain that I had already heard that particular news and was in fact a Christian. She asked if I was a 'born-again' Christian, and I agreed that I was after checked her definition of born again! (Having received God's Holy Spirit).

We then went our separate ways. I've got to say, despite the fact that I suspect her and I would differ on a few theological points, I was impressed by her boldness in proclaiming the good news of God's love.

* Incidentally, it was quite funny at the butchers because I requested a lamb pie, and they thought I asked for lamb's fry! I noticed them bagging up a massive livery looking thing and realised the mistake. We had a bit of a chuckle about it...

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

My Dog is a Doofus

Saffy has a bone in her kennel (a prized possession that she guards very enthusiastically). I'm at my desk inside, with a closed door in between us.

She wants to come in, and waits at the door, but whenever I get up to let her in, she rushes off at great speed to the kennel, lest I or Ruby steal her bone!

I'm leaving the door open so she can make up her mind in her own she's just tried to bring the bone inside - I don't think so!!!! She knows she's not allowed, so as soon as she sees me she slinks back off to the kennel. Poor thing - she's so conflicted lol.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Brief Update

Haven't been blogging much lately - a combination of not having anything interesting to say, and of managing my time differently so I'm not spending as much time on the computer.

There are a few things I'd like to write about, but can't get them clear in my head at the moment.

Stay tuned...

Friday, 5 June 2009

Who knew swatting flies was so funny!

He laughed so hard he actually threw up a few minutes after I stopped taping!