I was given two bits of 'important news' today on my walk to the shops and back.
The first was from the lady serving me at the butchers* - she told me that Michael Jackson had died. It's interesting to see that she considered the news of the death worth passing on to a stranger (although I suppose they are used to making conversation with customers).
The second bit of 'news' came as I was walking home. A lady stopped me in the street and asked if she could tell me something really important. I had a hunch what was coming next: "God really loves you!"
I interrupted her at that point to explain that I had already heard that particular news and was in fact a Christian. She asked if I was a 'born-again' Christian, and I agreed that I was after checked her definition of born again! (Having received God's Holy Spirit).
We then went our separate ways. I've got to say, despite the fact that I suspect her and I would differ on a few theological points, I was impressed by her boldness in proclaiming the good news of God's love.
* Incidentally, it was quite funny at the butchers because I requested a lamb pie, and they thought I asked for lamb's fry! I noticed them bagging up a massive livery looking thing and realised the mistake. We had a bit of a chuckle about it...